Crossref metadata


Agent Source token 8676e950-8ac5-4074-8ac3-c0a18ada7e99
Consumes Artifacts none
Subject coverage All Crossref DOIs
Object coverage All DataCite DOIs
Data contributor Crossref
Data origin Crossref metadata deposited by Crossref members
Freshness Every few hours
Identifies DOIs
License Made available without restriction
Looks in References in Crossref schema
Name Crossref metadata
Operated by Crossref
Produces Evidence Records No
Produces relation types references and other types found in the Crossref schema
Source ID crossref
Updates or deletions None expected

What it is

Relationships from Crossref DOIs to DataCite DOIs. The data is supplied in the metadata of Crossref's registered content by Crossref members who are the 'owners' of the registered content.

What it does

Where members include DataCite DOIs in references the Crossref Event Data agent establishes the relationship between the DataCite DOI and the Crossref DOI as an event.

Where data comes from

Metadata registered with Crossref that references a DataCite DOI. For other Crossref member metadata, you can find it in the Crossref Metadata REST API.

Example Event

  "terms": "",


  1. A member makes an XML deposit with Crossref.
  2. The Agent monitors new deposits (or back-fills).
  3. When a link is found an Event is created if:
    • it is to a non-Crossref DOI
    • it has not already been reported to Event Data

Evidence Record

No evidence record is created because the events come straight from the data source into Event Data.

Edits / deletion

We do not anticipate that Events are ever deleted or edited.


The agent doesn't monitor unstructured references, they must be well-formatted with a specified type to be picked up by the agent.

Failure modes

  • Member may remove references before the Agent first scans the data, in which case we will not create a new Event
  • Member may deposit incorrect metadata.

Further information

Crossref to Crossref relationships and references

Agent Source token 36c35e23-8757-4a9d-aacf-345e9b7eb50d
Consumes Artifacts none
Subject coverage All Crossref DOIs
Object coverage All Crossref DOIs
Data contributor Crossref
Data origin Crossref metadata deposited by Crossref members
Freshness Daily
Identifies DOIs
License Made available without restriction
Looks in Relationships in Crossref schema
Name Crossref metadata
Operated by Crossref
Produces Evidence Records No
Produces relation types references and other types found in the Crossref schema
Source ID crossref
Updates or deletions None expected

What it is

Relationships and references from Crossref DOIs to Crossref DOIs. The data is supplied in the metadata of Crossref's registered content by Crossref members who are the 'owners' of the registered content.

What it does


Where members include relationships (where the type is doi) the Crossref Event Data agent establishes the relationship between the parent DOI and the related DOI as an event.


The agent creates events for all references between a parent DOI and any reference that has a DOI or unstructured text.

Where data comes from

Metadata registered with Crossref that have a relationship to an object with a type of doi or have references or both. For other Crossref member metadata, you can find it in the Crossref Metadata REST API.

Example Event

"license": "",
"obj_id": "",
"source_token": "36c35e23-8757-4a9d-aacf-345e9b7eb50d",
"occurred_at": "2021-04-30T23:08:31.000Z",
"subj_id": "",
"id": "8956f975-ea29-49d3-bae4-35b457e7b6a3",
"evidence_record": "",
"action": "add",
"subj": {
    "pid": "",
    "url": "",
    "work_type_id": "journal-article"
"source_id": "crossref",
"obj": {
    "pid": "",
    "url": "",
    "method": "doi-literal",
    "verification": "literal",
    "work_type_id": "posted-content"
"timestamp": "2021-05-06T07:33:56Z",
"relation_type_id": "has-preprint"



  1. A member makes an XML deposit with Crossref.
  2. The Agent monitors new deposits (or back-fills).
  3. When a DOI with one or more relationships or references is found an Event is created if:
    • it is a relationship to an object with a type of doi
    • It is a reference with a doi or unstructured text
    • it has not already been reported to Event Data

Evidence Record

No evidence record is created because the events come straight from the data source into Event Data.

Edits / deletion

We do not anticipate that Events are ever deleted or edited.